Useful things

In this chapter we summarize some basic concepts like error handling, data conversion and serialization.

Error handling

If you try to start the application when it's already running, you'll see this ugly error message:

thread 'main' panicked at hello_main/src/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Os { code: 98, kind: AddrInUse, message: "Address already in use" }
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

About unwrap vs expect

Instead of unwrap, we could use expect, which allows us to add some context to the error message:

let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("")
    .expect("failed to bind TCP listener");

Unfortunately, this is still ugly, and is still a panic:

thread 'main' panicked at hello_main/src/
failed to bind TCP listener: Os { code: 98, kind: AddrInUse, message: "Address already in use" }
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Normal, expected errors should be handled more gracefully.

expect is useful when the error is unexpected, in other words, if there is an error, it is an unrecoverable bug and the application should crash. Prefer using it over unwrap, as it allows you to add context to your error.

How Rust handles errors

Rust functions can return a Result type, which is an enum with two variants, Ok and Err. The Err variant can hold anything, even non-errors. Furthermore, there is no standard error type, only an Error trait, so each time you need to return an error, you must create your own type.

To simplify this, we will use the [anyhow](https://docs. rs/anyhow/latest/anyhow/) crate, which introduces its own Error that can hold arbitrary errors, add context to errors, and create errors on the fly from strings.

Let's add anyhow with cargo add anyhow.

Anyhow should only be used in applications. For libraries, it is recommended to instead use a crate like thiserror, so as to not impose anyhow on consumers of the library.

Error handling in main

You can find the sample codes on GitHub

A convenient feature of rust is that you can add a Result return type to your main function, and then just return an error from it. This will print "Error: " followed by the error's debug representation, then exit with exit code 1.

Normally, the debug representation would not result in a nice error message, but anyhow's Error type pretty prints the errors it carries so it can be returned from main.

Let's add a return to our main function:

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let app = Router::new().route("/", get(hello_json));

    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await?;
    axum::serve(listener, app).await?;


This results in a much nicer error message:

Error: Address already in use (os error 98)

If we wish to add context, we can do so with the context method. First, we need to use anyhow::Context; to add the context method to error types. Then we can use context:

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let app = Router::new().route("/", get(hello_json));

    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("")
        .context("failed to bind TCP listener")?;
    axum::serve(listener, app)
        .context("axum::serve failed")?;


The error message now looks like this:

Error: failed to bind TCP listener

Caused by:
    Address already in use (os error 98)

Error handling in handlers

Most of our errors will be inside error request handlers, and will have to be returned to the caller along with an appropriate HTTP status code.

Let's modify our hello world handler so that it calls a function that can fail. We will need the rand crate for this, so we will add it with cargo add rand.

async fn hello_json() -> (StatusCode, Json<Response>) {
    let response = Response {
        message: generate_message().expect("failed to generate message"),

    (StatusCode::OK, Json(response))

/// Generates the hello world message.
fn generate_message() -> anyhow::Result<&'static str> {
    if rand::random() {
        anyhow::bail!("no message for you");
    Ok("Hello, world!")

The anyhow::bail! macro can be used to return an error on the fly. For now, we will not handle the error, instead we'll just panic with expect.

Running the app like this and reloading localhost:3000 a couple times will eventually result in an empty response, with an error message printed to standard error:

thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at hello_main/src/
failed to generate message: no message for you

Although the entire app does not crash, the thread handling the request does, and we get not response. While panics should be exceptional situations and should not be used for regular errors, we should still handle them. Let's add the CatchPanic middleware from the tower-http crate. We will need to add the crate and enable the catch-panic feature because the CatchPanic middleware is not enabled by default:

$ cargo add -F catch-panic tower-http

Then add the middleware:

let app = Router::new()
    .route("/", get(hello_json))
    .layer(tower_http::catch_panic::CatchPanicLayer::new()); // added

With this change, we'll get a 500 Internal Server error in case of a panic.

Let's now fix our handler so it actually handles the error. Axum allows handlers to return a Result, but the Error variant must implement IntoResponse so the error can be converted into a response. Because of this, we need to use a newtype to wrap the anyhow error:

struct AppError(anyhow::Error);

// This allows ? to automatically convert anyhow::Error to AppError
impl From<anyhow::Error> for AppError {
    fn from(value: anyhow::Error) -> Self {

Next, we implement IntoResponse, which is where the actual response format for the error is determined. For now, we'll always return an internal server error, and we'll use anyhow's debug representation to print the error message with the causes:

impl IntoResponse for AppError {
    fn into_response(self) -> axum::response::Response {
        (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, self.0.to_string()).into_response()

Finally, we return AppError from our handler in case of an error. The ? operator handles conversion for us since we implemented the From trait.

async fn hello_json() -> Result<(StatusCode, Json<Response>), AppError> {
    let response = Response {
        message: generate_message().context("failed to generate message")?,

    Ok((StatusCode::OK, Json(response)))

Conversion between data structures

The Rust standard library provides two traits to convert data between various types. They are the From and Into traits:

pub trait From<T>: Sized {
    // Required method
    fn from(value: T) -> Self;

pub trait Into<T>: Sized {
    // Required method
    fn into(self) -> T;

Let's see a simple example:

struct A {
    member: String,

struct B {
    value: String,

impl From<A> for B {
    fn from(source: A) -> Self {
        Self {
            value: source.member,

fn main() {
    let a = A { member: String::from("something") };
    let b = B::from(a);
    println!("{}", b.value);

Here we convert data from struct A into struct B. The Into trait is simply the inverse of the From, so if we implement From<A> for B then we can call let b: B = a.into(); too:

fn main() {
    let a = A { member: String::from("something") };
    let b: B = a.into();
    println!("{}", b.value);

This does not seem to be so useful, but in reality there are a lot of cases in web service development when we have to convert similar data structures into each other. Assume for example, that we receive data from a backend service and that data can be deserialized into structure A, but we have to return a JSON to our client and that JSON can be serialized only from structure B. We can do this conversion easily with a From implementation.

The From trait has no way to return an error. If the conversion can fail, we must use TryFrom instead:

pub trait TryFrom<T>: Sized {
    type Error;

    // Required method
    fn try_from(value: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;

This version returns a Result with two potential outcomes: an Ok with the result of a successful conversion or an Err with and error. The associated type Error specifies the exact error type. A simple example:

use std::num::ParseIntError;

struct Number {
    value: i32,

impl TryFrom<String> for Number {
    type Error = ParseIntError;
    fn try_from(source: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        Ok(Number { value: source.parse()? })

fn main() {
    match Number::try_from(String::from("42")) {
        Ok(n) => {
            println!("{}", n.value);
        Err(e) => {
            println!("Conversion failed {:?}", e);


Here the potential error from source.parse() is a ParseIntError so we have to specify it as the Error associated type.

In the above example, 42 can be converted into an i32 value, so our TryFrom implementation succeeds, but replace 42 with notanumber and you will get a ParseIntError:

Conversion failed ParseIntError { kind: InvalidDigit }

Serialization and deserialization

Most of the time we use the serde crate for serialization and deserialization. You can find the full documentation at Serde supports more then a dozen serialization formats, including JSON and XML.

You can easily add serialization and deserialization capabilities to a struct using the derive macros provided by serde:

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Message {
    content: String,

fn main() {
    let message = Message { content: String::from("something") };

    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&message).unwrap();

    println!("serialized = {}", serialized);

    let deserialized: Message = serde_json::from_str(&serialized).unwrap();
    println!("deserialized content = {}", deserialized.content);

The result:

serialized = {"content":"something"}
deserialized content = something

Serde handles all primitive integer and float types, the corresponding JSON type is number. Char and string types are string in JSON too. The bool type is converted to boolean.

use serde::{Serialize};

struct Message {
    n1: i64,
    n2: f64,
    b: bool,
    c: char,
    s: String,

fn main() {
    let message = Message { 
      n1: 42,
      n2: 3.14,
      b: true,
      c: 'C',
      s: String::from("something"), 

    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&message).unwrap();
    println!("serialized = {}", serialized);

The result:

serialized = {"n1":42,"n2":3.14,"b":true,"c":"C","s":"something"}

As you can see, struct are converted to object. Tuples, arrays and vectors are converted to array:

use serde::{Serialize};

struct Message {
    numbers: [i64;5],
    strings: Vec<String>,
    tuple: (i64, String),

fn main() {
    let message = Message { 
      numbers: [1,2,3,4,5],
      strings: vec![String::from("one"), String::from("two")],
      tuple: (42, String::from("something")),

    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&message).unwrap();
    println!("serialized = {}", serialized);

The result:

serialized = {"numbers":[1,2,3,4,5],"strings":["one","two"],"tuple":[42,"something"]}

The Rust naming guideline recommends snake_case for variables and struct members but you (or your clients) may prefer other styles for your API. Serde offers an easy conversion with the rename_all parameter:

use serde::{Serialize};

#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct Message {
  one_field: i64,
  other_field: i64,
  #[serde(rename = "exception")]
  and_an_exception: i64,

fn main() {
    let message = Message {
      one_field: 1,
      other_field: 2,
      and_an_exception: 3,

    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&message).unwrap();
    println!("serialized = {}", serialized);

The result:

serialized = {"oneField":1,"otherField":2,"exception":3}

Also, you can rename any field one by one using the rename parameter as you can see on the and_an_exception field.

The styles supported by rename_all are: lowercase, UPPERCASE, PascalCase, camelCase, snake_case, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, kebab-case and SCREAMING-KEBAB-CASE.

Rust enums can be represented in four different styles:

  • internally tagged
  • externally tagged
  • adjacently tagged
  • and untagged

First, the internally tagged version:

use serde::{Serialize};

#[serde(tag = "outcome")]
enum Response {
    Success { value: String },
    Failure { error: String },

fn main() {
    let message = Response::Success{ value: String::from("result") };
    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&message).unwrap();
    println!("serialized = {}", serialized);

In this case the response object has a field named after the tag property with the name of the enum variant, followed by the fields of the variant:

serialized = {"outcome":"Success","value":"result"}

The externally tagged one:

use serde::{Serialize};

enum Response {
    Success { value: String },
    Failure { error: String },

fn main() {
    let message = Response::Success{ value: String::from("result") };
    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&message).unwrap();
    println!("serialized = {}", serialized);

In this case the response object has a single field, named after the enum variant, and that contains the fields of the variant:

serialized = {"Success": {"value":"result"}}

The adjacently tagged one:

use serde::{Serialize};

#[serde(tag = "outcome", content = "content")]
enum Response {
    Success { value: String },
    Failure { error: String },

fn main() {
    let message = Response::Success{ value: String::from("result") };
    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&message).unwrap();
    println!("serialized = {}", serialized);

In this case the response object has a field named after the tag property with the name of the enum variant, followed by another field named after the content property. The latter contains the fields of the variant:

serialized = {"outcome":"Success","content":{"value":"result"}}

Finally the untagged option:

use serde::{Serialize};

enum Response {
    Success { value: String },
    Failure { error: String },

fn main() {
    let message = Response::Success{ value: String::from("result") };
    let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&message).unwrap();
    println!("serialized = {}", serialized);

In this case the response object simply contains the fields of the variant:

serialized = {"value":"result"}

Deserialization is the exact opposite of serialization, for the tagged versions this is quite straightforward. Deserialization of the untagged version can be tricky sometimes, because serde has to identify the required variant based only on the list of fields and their types.

There is a lot more to serde, you will see some examples later and the official documentation is also your friend if you need to tweak things.

Async Rust

In synchronous code, if we call a function or method, we always wait for it to complete its task and return the result. For example, in the case of a slow I/O or network operation, the program may be blocked for seconds or minutes. In a single-threaded program, this means that while we are waiting for the response, we cannot continue with any other task. The first solution to this problem was multithreading. This could be used by organizing slow I/O operations into separate threads. This solut on works well until there are orders of magnitude more threads than real processor cores. If there are too many threads, a lot of time is spent on creating threads and on context switching between those threads.

Asynchronous programming was invented for this problem. In an asynchronous environment, when we start a task, we don't wait for it to complete its operation, we only get back a promise (Future) that the task will return with some value one day. The task is then transferred to an execution environment (async runtime), which runs it until it is blocked on some operation (it could be I/O, network request, waiting for a Mutex to be locked, etc.). In this case, the runtime puts the task aside and runs the next one, until it is blocked too. From time to time, the runtime also asks (polls) the tasks that were put aside, whether they can continue their work. If they can, it starts running them again until the next block or until they end.

The asynchronous runtime can run on a single thread (node.js works this way) or in parallel on several threads at the same time (Rust supports this too). In multi-threaded mode, Rust typically start as many threads as many virtual processor cores are present on the running machine, but this can be tuned as needed. There may also be differences in the fact that the tasks return control voluntarily to the runtime before blocking (this is the cooperative solution) or the runtime decides to interrupt the execution of the task from time to time and start running another one (this is the preemptive solution). The operating system for example runs threads in a preemptive manner, it can interrupt a thread at any time to give processor time to another one. The asynchronous operation of Rust is cooperative, tasks voluntarily return control to the runtime when they are forced to wait. That means that Rust's asynchronous tasks are not a good solution when you have to parallelize long-running, primarily CPU-heavy tasks. For this case, OS threads are better.

Typically, web servers and web application servers are an area where many parallel network operations take place at the same time (up to tens of thousands), which can benefit from asynchronous operation.

The example code for asynchronous tasks in Rust looks like this (this is a simplified example, the real operation is a bit more complicated than this):

trait SimpleFuture {
    type Output;
    fn poll(&mut self, wake: fn()) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

enum Poll<T> {

SimpleFuture defines an associated type (Output) which will be the return value of the task, and a poll method with which the execution environment can "ask" if the task can be run. The poll causes the task to run until it blocks or finishes running. The return value of the poll is the Poll<T> enum, whose two branches are Ready(T) and Pending. Ready(T) means that the task has finished running and returns the return value (the type T is the same as the Output type associated to SimpleFuture). Pending means that the task is blocked and returns control to the runtime. The wake: fn() parameter is a callback, which is used so that the task can notify the runtime when it becomes executable again. An excerpt from the example code:

pub struct SocketRead<'a> {
    socket: &'a Socket,

impl SimpleFuture for SocketRead<'_> {
    type Output = Vec<u8>;

    fn poll(&mut self, wake: fn()) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        if self.socket.has_data_to_read() {
            // we have data, return uit
        } else {
            // we have to wait, so set the wake callback on the socket
            // and return control to the async runtime

In this example, we pass the wake callback to the socket, which the socket calls when data arrives.

There are two ways to create asynchronous code in Rust: as an asynchronous function/method or as an asynchronous block:

async fn foo() -> u8 { 5 }

fn bar() -> impl Future<Output = u8> {
    // This `async` block results in a type that implements
    // `Future<Output = u8>`.
    async {
        let x: u8 = foo().await;
        x + 5

The keyword async essentially means that the function or block will not return a direct return value (u8) but a Future: Future<Output = u8> which will eventually result in a u8 value. The execution of the task starts by calling await.

In the above simple example, of course, there is actually no asynchronicity, because the function never blocks, the first await call will immediately return the return value.

In an asynchronous environment, lifetimes are developed in such a way that the lifetime of the Future depends on the lifetime of the input parameters. An example:

async fn foo(x: &u8) -> u8 { *x }

// Is equivalent to this function:
fn foo_expanded<'a>(x: &'a u8) -> impl Future<Output = u8> + 'a {
    async move { *x }

Here, the lifetime of the Future depends on the lifetime of the reference x received as an input parameter.

This means that await must be called before the lifetime of the input parameters expires. What is async move? It is similar to the move keyword seen in the case of closures: it transfers ownership of the variable x to the asynchronous Future, because without it, it would not live as long as the Future returned. It is important that this move only transfers the ownership of the local variable x (which contains a reference), not the ownership of the u8 value referenced by the reference!

A complete example (this one can already be run, on the rust playground for example):

use std::future::Future;

async fn borrow_x(x: &str) {
    println!("value: {}", x);

fn bad() -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
    let x = String::from("valami");
    async {
        borrow_x(&x).await // ERROR: `x` does not live long enough

fn good() -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
    async {
        let x = String::from("valami");

async fn main() {
    // bad().await;

Here, the bad function is not good because it declares a local variable whose lifetime ends at the end of the bad function, but the returned Future survives the function and would refer to a local variable that no longer exists when await is called. The solution would be async move. In the good function, on the other hand, we declare the local variable within the async block, so it already lives together with the returned Future.

The strange thing about Rust is that there is no single "standard" async runtime, there are several different implementations. In the web application area, is perhaps the most common, but there are a few others (like async-std, smol). This also causes compatibility problems, a library written for will not necessarily work with async-std and vice versa (but most libraries try to support all common runtimes).

One more important thing about asynchronous codes: in the case of a multi-threaded execution environment, the task will go to different threads essentially randomly. If a task gets blocked, it may easily run on a different thread after the restart than before the blocking. In this case, the data referenced by the task must be sent to another thread. In order to do this, Rust expects that if the operation of an asynchronous task is interrupted (the poll returns with a Pending value), the current state of the task must not contain a reference to data that cannot be safely transferred between threads (they all have to implement the Send trait).

An example:

use std::rc::Rc;

struct NotSend(Rc<()>);

async fn bar() {}
async fn foo() {
    let x = NotSend::default();

fn require_send(_: impl Send) {}

fn main() {

The Rc reference counter type is not thread-safe, so it does not implement th Send trait. When we call bar().await in the example above, the environment still has a live reference to the non-thread-safe variable x, so Rust will throw an error.

In this case, we have two options: one is to release the variable x before calling await:

async fn foo() {
        let x = NotSend::default();

Another option is to use the thread-safe Arc instead of Rc, which implements the Send trait.

To learn more about asynchronous Rust, you should read this book: Asynchronous Programming in Rust

Sending data between threads

The Rustonimicon defines data races with these three simple rules:

  • two or more threads concurrently accessing a location of memory
  • one or more of them is a write
  • one or more of them is unsynchronized

Rust mostly prevents data races with its ownership system: when one variable holds a mutable reference to a location of memory, no other variable can hold a reference to it. However, this is a quite strong restriction, it would be very hard to implement useful multi-threaded applications without a more flexible system. Reference counting and interior mutability allows a more flexible approach but also requires a more careful synchronization of operations across threads.

Rust has two automatically derived traits to express safety of types in a multi-threaded context: Send and Sync.

A type is Send if it is safe to send it to another thread.
A type is Sync if it is safe to share between threads (T is Sync if and only if &T is Send).

Usually primitive types like integers, floats and characters are both Send and Sync. Also, complex types (struts, tuples, enums) built entirely from primitive types are usually Send and Sync too. But these types are not:

  • raw pointers are neither Send nor Sync (because they have no safety guards).
  • UnsafeCell isn't Sync (and therefore Cell and RefCell aren't either).
  • Rc isn't Send nor Sync (because the refcount is shared and unsynchronized).

And of course any complex types built on these types are not Send nor Sync either.

To make interior mutability usable in a multi-threaded context, we have two tools: atomics and mutexes. An atomic is a primitive type whose value can be changed in a thread-safe way. The std::sync::atomic crate defines them. Some examples are AtomicBool, AtomicI64, AtomicPtr.

We have just seen that Rc is not Send nor Sync because its reference counter cannot be changed in a thread-safe way. But if we replace its simple integer reference counter with an atomic integer, the resulting type (called Arc) becomes both Send and Sync. Why does not use Rc an atomic reference counter by default? Because atomics require CPU-level synchronization of operations and therefore are much slower to access than simple primitive types.

The Arc<T> type solves the problem of cross-thread sharing, but it does not allow interior mutability yet. To achieve that, we need one more layer: the Mutex<T> type. The Mutex allows a thread to acquire an exclusive lock on the embedded variable, that way it becomes safe to change the value of the embedded variable. Mutex isn't the only way to make a shared variable mutable in a multi-threaded context, just the most commonly used one. Alternatives include RwLock - that allows multiple read locks or a single mutable lock at a time and ArcSwap - that one makes it possible to replace the embedded reference with a single atomic operation.