Understand Axum

In this chapter you will acquire a solid understanding of the Axum, Tower and Hyper crates, these are the libraries underlying our application server. Your will learn how to compose middleware layers to add cross-cutting features to your API endpoints.

You can find the sample codes on GitHub

The tokio stack

Our web application will be completely based on the tokio.rs family of crates. These are like layers of an onion.

Tokio is the async runtime, the foundation of an asynchronous application, responsible for the scheduling of the async tasks.

Hyper is an HTTP client and server implementation, supports both version 1 and version 2 of the HTTP protocol.

Tower is a tool to build middleware layers around our endpoints, like authentication, authorization, request logging, etc.

Axum is the actual web application framework, responsible for the routing and composing those tower service layers with our endpoints.

Now we will explain their roles in our application in a little more detail.


You have already seen how we initialized the tokio runtime with a single declarative macro:

async fn main() {

But you can initialize the runtime at any point of your application using the tokio::runtime::Builder. This way you can also customize the configuration of the runtime.

For example, you can start a single-threaded runtime on the current thread:

fn main() {
    let rt = runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
    rt.spawn(async move {
        // your async code goes here

With a single-threaded executor your application will not scale to multiple CPU cores, but you won't have to worry about cross-thread synchronization either.

Of course, the multi-threaded executor is much more flexible, and you will use that one most of the time:

fn main() {
    let rt = Builder::new_multi_thread()
        .thread_stack_size(3 * 1024 * 1024)

As you can see you can set many parameters here. The number of worker threads should equal the number of cores available in your running environments, assuming you do not want to spare some of the cores for background processing for example. Generally you should not hardcode this value in your code, but let tokio automatically scale to the number of available cores or read the required number from the TOKIO_WORKER_THREADS environment variable.

You can also customize the thread name to make it easier to find specific threads in the output of ps or top for example. The thread stack size is not that interesting - until you manage to bump into that limit.

Tokio can run synchronous, blocking tasks too, but it has to start distinct threads for them, so they do not interfere with the async tasks. You can set how many such blocking threads can run concurrently, using the max_blocking_threads() call. It defaults to 512 threads.

The unit of execution in tokio is a Task. Either an async or a synchronous one. The easiest way to spawn a new task is to spawn an async block:

fn main() {
    let rt = Builder::new_multi_thread().build().unwrap();
    rt.spawn(async move {
        // your async code goes here

To spawn a blocking, synchronous one, use spawn_blocking:

fn main() {
    let rt = Builder::new_multi_thread().build().unwrap();
    rt.spawn_blocking(|| {
        // your synchronous code goes here

One thing you must never do: call a blocking function in an asynchronous task directly. That would block the asynchronous executor thread, and you can run out of available asynchronous executor threads quite quickly.

You can cancel the started tasks any time using abort:

let task: JoinHandle = tokio::spawn(async move { // your async code });

You can also wait for the completion of multiple tasks running parallel using the tokio::join! macro:

async fn main() {
    let (first, second) = tokio::join!(

    // do something with the values

Tokio is not just the runtime, but also provides many useful tools for asynchronous programming.

The tokio::time module allows you to add time-based actions to your code, like sleeping for a given amount of time, executing something at given time periods or specify timeouts on asynchronous operations.

The tokio::net module contains non-blocking implementations of TCP/IP, UDP, and Unix Domain Sockets operations.

The tokio::fs module provides asynchronous filesystem I/O operations.

The tokio::signal module allows asynchronous handling of OS signals on both Unix-like operating systems and Windows.

The tokio::process module enables you to manage child processes.

The tokio::sync module provides asynchronous, Go-like communication channels (one-shot; multi-producer/single-consumer, broadcast and watch). It also provides asynchronous versions of the Mutex and RwLock synchronization primitives and a Semaphore implementation which allows you to limit the concurrency of tasks.

We will see some of them in more detail later.


Hyper is an asynchronous HTTP client and server implementation. We will not use it directly, but both the server-side tower-axum stack and the client-side reqwest crate builds on it.

On the server side implementation the core abstraction is the Service trait:

pub trait Service<Request> {
    type Response;
    type Error;
    type Future: Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>;

    // Required method
    fn call(&self, req: Request) -> Self::Future;

The service receives an HTTP request as defined in the http crate's http::request module. The service has two associated types: a Response and an Error type. The first defines the type for a successful response, the second defines the type representing error cases. The service itself is implemented by the call method: that method processes the incoming request and returns a future Result that eventually becomes either a Response or an Error.

When you start an HTTP server with hyper, you have to pass two things to it: a TCP listener and an implementation of the above Service trait.

Both tower and axum implements this Service trait so when you call axum::serve in this example:

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/", get(hello));
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("")
    axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();

it essentially converts the app router configuration into a Service implementation and starts the hyper server on the listener TCP listener with that axum Service implementation.


Tower adds another layer of abstraction above hyper's service, the Layer trait:

pub trait Layer<S> {
    /// The wrapped service
    type Service;
    /// Wrap the given service with the middleware, returning a new service
    /// that has been decorated with the middleware.
    fn layer(&self, inner: S) -> Self::Service;

Essentially a layer wraps a service and returns that as a new service. The layer may alter the Request going to the original service or the Response and Error returned from the original service. But it does not always have to: you can write a logging layer for example, that only logs information about the incoming request and the outgoing response but does not alter them in any way.

Multiple layers can be composed to build a middleware stack for your application. HTTP request processing aspects such as authentication, authorization, CORS handling, logging, etc. may be implemented as layers.

Additionally, tower provides a few Service implementations that can wrap other services and act as a middleware too. You can use them for request rate limiting, concurrency limiting, timeout handling, caching, etc. We will see examples for some of these middleware services later.

Tower also comes with a ServiceBuilder struct to help the building of middleware chains:

let svc = SomeService{};

let stack = ServiceBuilder::new()
    .rate_limit(5, Duration::from_secs(1))

The returned stack implements the Layer trait too. As you can see, you can add a concurrency limit or rate limit to your service easily.

There is one more crate related to tower: tower-http adds http protocol specific middlewares to the stack and also extends tower's ServiceBuilder with http-specific features.

A simple example on tower-http usage:

let middleware = ServiceBuilder::new()

The first layer adds tracing capabilities to our stack: it will send details of each HTTP request-response pair to the tracing data collector. The second one sets a 10 seconds timeout on request processing. The third one enables response compression. We will show more detailed examples of these later.


Finally, we arrived to the top of our stack, the axum crate. Axum provides three main features for us: request routing, request data extraction and response serialization.

The routing setup is quite simple: you define a handler function and assign it to a specific path and HTTP verb. For example, attach our hello_handler to the GET verb of the / path:

async fn hello_handler() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, world!"

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/", get(hello_handler));
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
    axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();

But what can you return from such a handler function? Basically anything that can be converted into an HTTP response. Axum defines the IntoResponse trait to specify this:

pub trait IntoResponse {
    /// Create a response.
    fn into_response(self) -> Response;

Axum also provides many implementations for this trait: a string slice, a String or a byte sequence (Bytes, [u8] or Vec<u8>) can be converted into a Response. You can also use Json<T> to serialize any serializable data structure into a JSON formatted response. When you have to specify an HTTP response status code, you can return a tuple consisting of a status code and a response, for example:

async fn hello_handler() -> (http::StatusCode, &'static str) {
    (http::StatusCode::OK, "Hello, world!")

Axum can convert various properties of the request, such as headers, path elements, query parameters and the request body itself into arguments for our handler function. These converters are called extractors. We will see them in great detail later, just a quick example:

pub async fn get_book(
    Path(book_id): Path<i64>,
) -> Book {
    // find that book somehow ...

pub fn setup_routing() -> Router {
        .route("/books/:id", get(get_book))

This one converts the path element :id into an i64 argument.

The router setup can combine tower layers on your endpoints too, for example when you need an authorization layer over your endpoints. A simple example from the documentation:

let app = Router::new()
    .route("/foo", get(|| async {}))

Web application structure

We built an application structure for command-line applications in the previous chapter. Now we will continue this journey by implementing the serve subcommand where we will start up a tokio runtime and configure an axum router.

First, add our new dependencies to cli_app/Cargo.toml: axum and tokio:

axum = "0.7.4"
tokio = { version = "1.35.1", features = ["full"] }

Run cargo build to download and compile the new dependencies.

We already have a dummy serve CLI subcommand in commands/serve.rs, now we have to start the tokio runtime there.

pub fn handle(matches: &ArgMatches, settings: &Settings) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let port: u16 = *matches.get_one("port").unwrap_or(&8080);

    start_tokio(port, settings)?;


fn start_tokio(port: u16, settings: &Settings) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        .block_on(async move {
            // TBD ...
            Ok::<(), anyhow::Error>(())

So, we:

  • start a multi-threaded runtime
  • enable all optional drivers (like io and time)
  • and pass and async task to it

The build and block_on methods both may run into errors, that's why we have to add the question mark after calling them.

So now we have a runtime, we can start axum in it. Similarly to our first hello world example:

    .block_on(async move {
        let addr = SocketAddr::new(
            IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0)), 
        let router = Router::new();

        let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(addr).await?;
        axum::serve(listener, router.into_make_service()).await?;

        Ok::<(), anyhow::Error>(())

A few things changed: we use a SocketAddr as the bind address parameter instead of the string argument, so we can pass on the port number we received from the command line parameters. Also, our Router is empty for now, we will configure it shortly.


Now it's time to add some routes to our axum server, but first we have to think about the route structure a bit. APIs are usually versioned, so it's a good practice to start the urls with a /v1/ prefix for the first version. There is a good chance that later API versions will only change a small part of the endpoints so it's probably wise to not bind endpoint implementations strictly to versions but prepare for a more flexible structure. One possible setup:


Where src/api/mod.rs builds the whole configuration by nesting all versions:

use axum::Router;

mod handlers;
mod v1;

pub fn configure() -> Router {
    Router::new().nest("/v1", v1::configure())

Then src/api/v1.rs builds the v1 configuration:

use super::handlers;
use axum::routing::get;
use axum::Router;

pub fn configure() -> Router {
    Router::new().route("/hello", get(handlers::hello::hello))

Finally, src/api/handlers/hello.rs contains our single hello world endpoint:

use axum::http::StatusCode;

pub async fn hello() -> Result<String, StatusCode> {
    Ok("Hello world!".to_string())

We also need the src/api/handlers/mod.rs to add hello.rs to the build:

pub mod hello;

We also have to include pub mod api in src/lib.rs. Now we can modify the start_tokio method to use our routes:

let router = crate::api::configure(state);

let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(addr).await?;
axum::serve(listener, router.into_make_service()).await?;

Run cargo build and ./target/debug/cli_app serve and test the application using curl. You should receive something like this:

$ curl -v
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)
> GET /v1/hello HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.81.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< content-length: 15
< date: Sun, 21 May 2023 11:47:23 GMT

Hello world!

* Connection #0 to host left intact

Application state

We demonstrated earlier how to load application configuration from environment variables or files, but our axum handler methods cannot use this information yet. To solve this problem we have to introduce application state and distribute this state to all the handler methods.

One small change first: we have to make our Settings struct cloneable. We need this because we pass it to the serve function as a reference, but the application state has to own its own dedicated copy, otherwise we cannot satisfy the Rust borrow checker. All we have to do is add the Clone trait to the derive macros in src/settings.rs:

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Default, Clone)]
pub struct Database {
    pub url: Option<String>,

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Default, Clone)]
pub struct Logging {
    pub log_level: Option<String>,

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Default, Clone)]
pub struct ConfigInfo {
    pub location: Option<String>,
    pub env_prefix: Option<String>,

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Default, Clone)]
pub struct Settings {
    pub config: ConfigInfo,
    pub database: Database,
    pub logging: Logging,

Now we can introduce the ApplicationState struct. Let's create the src/state/mod.rs file, and include mod state in lib.rs:

use crate::settings::Settings;
use std::sync::Arc;
use arc_swap::ArcSwap;

pub struct ApplicationState {
    pub settings: ArcSwap<Settings>,

impl ApplicationState {
    pub fn new(settings: &Settings) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
        Ok(Self {
            settings: ArcSwap::new(Arc::new((*settings).clone())),

We use the ArcSwap type to wrap our Settings. This allows us to distribute the Settings to multiple threads safely and also enables us to replace it with a new Settings instance any time later. As you can see, the ArcSwap initialization requires the use of an Arc reference-counting pointer too, and we have to pass a new, owned clone of the settings to it (not just a reference to a Settings instance).

Now in the start_tokio method we can use the settings passed from the serve subcommand's handle method, build a new ApplicationState from it, and also pass it to all the route configurations:

pub fn handle(
    matches: &ArgMatches, 
    settings: &Settings
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let port: u16 = *matches.get_one("port").unwrap_or(&8080);

    start_tokio(port, settings)?;


fn start_tokio(port: u16, settings: &Settings) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        .block_on(async move {
            let state = Arc::new(ApplicationState::new(settings)?);
            let router = crate::api::configure(state);

            let addr = SocketAddr::new(
                IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0)), 

            let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(addr).await?;
            axum::serve(listener, router.into_make_service()).await?;

            Ok::<(), anyhow::Error>(())


We have to change the signature of the configure methods too. First in api/mod.rs:

use crate::state::ApplicationState;
use std::sync::Arc;

pub fn configure(state: Arc<ApplicationState>) -> Router {
    Router::new().nest("/v1", v1::configure(state))

Then in api/v1.rs. Here we use the with_state method to pass our state to the hello handler method.

pub fn configure(state: Arc<ApplicationState>) -> Router {

Finally, we can use the State extractor from axum to extract the state we passed in the previous router configuration:

use crate::state::ApplicationState;
use axum::extract::State;
use axum::http::StatusCode;
use std::sync::Arc;

pub async fn hello(
    State(state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>
) -> Result<String, StatusCode> {

        "\nHello world! Using configuration from {}\n\n",

And that's it, now our handler methods can use application state and the loaded settings with it. Build the application, run it with the serve subcommand, and test the endpoint with curl:

$ curl -v
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 8080 (#0)
> GET /v1/hello HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.81.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< content-length: 52
< date: Mon, 29 May 2023 12:08:00 GMT

Hello world! Using configuration from [nowhere]

* Connection #0 to host left intact

Well, we use no configuration file currently ...


You may have noticed that our application is quite silent, it does not output any information about what is going on under the hood.

We can enable basic tracing to output log messages to the console. To do this, we have to add a few more crates to Cargo.toml:

tracing = { version = "0.1", features = ["log"] }
tracing-log = { version = "0.1" }
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.2", features = ["registry", "env-filter"] }
tower-http = { version = "0.3.5", features = ["trace"] }

And setup tracing in the start_tokio method in commands/serve.rs:

use tower_http::trace::TraceLayer;
use tracing::Level;
use tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter;
use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt;
use tracing_subscriber::fmt;
use tracing_subscriber::util::SubscriberInitExt;

    .block_on(async move {
            let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::registry()


            let state = Arc::new(ApplicationState::new(settings)?);
            let router = crate::api::configure(state)

This setup creates a subscriber, sets the maximum tracing level to TRACE and then adds the default formatting layer (that one writes the tracing events to the console). Finally, we initialize the subscriber.

Also, we add a TraceLayer to our router configuration, so it will output trace events on every HTTP request.

Now, if you compile and run the application again and send some request using curl, you will receive messages on the console like this:

2024-02-11T10:53:36.602131Z DEBUG request{method=GET uri=/v1/hello ...
2024-02-11T10:53:36.602225Z DEBUG request{method=GET uri=/v1/hello ...

The service layer

We already defined a very simple domain model in the previous chapter. Now we will build a service layer that can handle the CRUD operations on these entities. In the first iteration, we will use simple in-memory data structures, not a real database.

You can find the sample codes on GitHub

We have to handle time, so we have to add the chrono crate to our dependencies in Cargo.toml:

chrono = {  version = "0.4.34", features = ["serde"] }

The serde feature is necessary if we want to serialize or deserialize date and time types.

Let's create our model structs! Create a new file in cli_app/src called model.rs and reference it from lib.rs:

pub mod model;

In model.rs we have to crate two enums first: one for the user status and one for the post status:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum UserStatus {
    Active = 1,
    Blocked = 2,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum PostStatus {
    Draft = 1,
    Published = 2,

The Copy and Clone trait implementations allow us to create copies of these enum values. The Serialize and Deserialize implementations will be required when we have to deserialize a posted JSON into a Post structure for example or when we have to serialize a Post into a JSON response.

Now create our two entity structures:

#[derive(Clone, Serialize)]
pub struct User {
    pub id: i64,
    pub username: String,
    pub password: String,
    pub status: UserStatus,
    pub created: DateTime<Utc>,
    pub updated: DateTime<Utc>,
    pub last_login: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,

#[derive(Clone, Serialize)]
pub struct Post {
    pub id: i64,
    pub author_id: i64,
    pub slug: String,
    pub title: String,
    pub content: String,
    pub status: PostStatus,
    pub created: DateTime<Utc>,
    pub updated: DateTime<Utc>,

The last_login property in User is optional, because it will not have a value until the user logs in the first time.

As you can see, we used the DateTime type to store the time of events like creation, modification and login. The Utc type parameter indicates that we will store all time-related data in UTC timezone. This can be converted to the required local time zones easily.

We cannot implement the Copy trait here, because our structures contain strings, so we fall back to the Clone trait.

Now we have our data model, but we have to store that data somewhere. Try to keep it simple for now, so we will not use persistence, but store the data in memory only.

A structure like this can be an option:

pub struct InMemoryPostStore {
    pub counter: i64,
    pub items: HashMap<i64, Post>,

We will use the counter to generate a unique identifier for our Post instances and store the instances in the items hash map.

One problem with this structure: it is not thread-safe and we have to share it amongst multiple threads (because we use a multi-threaded async runtime).

Let's wrap this store in a service that protects the store with a Mutex:

pub struct InMemoryPostService {
    data: Mutex<InMemoryPostStore>,

Now this data structure is safe to pass between multiple threads. To be able to instantiate the service, let's implement the Default trait for it:

impl Default for InMemoryPostService {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            data: Mutex::new(InMemoryPostStore {
                counter: 0,
                items: Default::default(),

We initialize the service with counter set to zero and an empty items map, and wrap the whole thing in a Mutex.

Later we will use more complicated implementations of this service, but we can assume that their interface will be quite similar to our current implementation. Let's define a trait for this:

pub trait PostService {
    async fn get_all_posts(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Post>>;
    async fn get_post_by_id(&self, id: i64) -> anyhow::Result<Post>;
    async fn get_post_by_slug(&self, name: &str) -> anyhow::Result<Post>;
    async fn create_post(&self, req: CreatePostRequest) -> anyhow::Result<Post>;
    async fn update_post(&self, req: UpdatePostRequest) -> anyhow::Result<Post>;
    async fn delete_post(&self, id: i64) -> anyhow::Result<()>;

Async methods in traits are not a thing you should use in libraries for now, but they are accepted in applications. This is why we silence the warning about them.

We defined some simple operations:

  • list all the available posts
  • get a post by its unique numeric identifier
  • lookup a post according to its slug
  • create a post
  • update a post
  • delete a post

As you can see, the input of the create and update operations is not a Post entity but new CreatePostRequest and UpdatePostRequest structures. Why? Because when we want to initiate the creation of a Post, we do not know all of its properties. The time of creation and the id field will be filled for us automatically for example. Same for an update: we won't be able to change all properties of a Post.

We always return an anyhow::Result from our methods, because these operations may fail and the application has to handle the failures later.

Let's see the implementation! Create a directory named services in cli_app/src and a file named post.rs in it. Then create a file named mod.rs too and reference the post module from it:

pub mod post;

Also reference the services module from lib.rs:

pub mod services;

Now add the above PostService trait, InMemoryPostStore and InMemoryPostService structs to it.

Start the implementation of the PostService trait for InMemoryPostService:

impl PostService for InMemoryPostService {
    async fn get_all_posts(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Post>> {
        let data = self.data.lock().await;
        Ok(data.items.values().map(|post| (*post).clone()).collect())

First we lock the mutex, then iterate over the values stored in the HashMap and return a clone of each post in a Vec. Why the clones? Because the callers of our service are not allowed to hold direct references into our mutex-protected hash map. That would break the rules of the borrow checker. The locked mutex is automatically released when data goes out of scope (when we return from the get_all_posts method).

Now lookup a single post, either by id or by slug:

async fn get_post_by_id(&self, id: i64) -> anyhow::Result<Post> {
    let data = self.data.lock().await;

    match data.items.get(&id) {
        Some(post) => Ok((*post).clone()),
        None => anyhow::bail!("Post not found: {}", id),

async fn get_post_by_slug(&self, slug: &str) -> anyhow::Result<Post> {
    let data = self.data.lock().await;
    for (_id, post) in data.items.iter() {
        if post.slug == slug {
            return Ok(post.clone());

    anyhow::bail!("Post not found: {}", slug)

As you can see, we return an error when the post cannot be found. To search by slug, we have to iterate over the items in the hash map and check them one by one. This it not too effective, but it is good enough for now.

To create a post, we pass in a CreatePostRequest structure:

async fn create_post(&self, req: CreatePostRequest) -> anyhow::Result<Post> {
    let mut data = self.data.lock().await;
    data.counter += 1;
    let ts = chrono::offset::Utc::now();
    let post = Post {
        id: data.counter,
        author_id: req.author_id,
        slug: req.slug,
        title: req.title,
        content: req.content,
        status: req.status,
        created: ts,
        updated: ts,

    data.items.insert(post.id, post);

    match data.items.get(&data.counter) {
        None => {
            anyhow::bail!("Post not found: {}", data.counter)
        Some(post) => Ok(post.clone()),

Increment the counter to get a new unique identifier, get the current time, then fill up the Post instance with all the data. Finally, insert the created post into the hash map. The insert operation consumes our Post instance, so we cannot return it directly. We have two choices: create a clone before the insert or lookup the inserted post from the hash map and clone that. I implemented the latter but you can use both approaches.

Now in the update method, we update the stored instance directly:

async fn update_post(&self, req: UpdatePostRequest) -> anyhow::Result<Post> {
    let mut data = self.data.lock().await;
    let post = data
        .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("Post not found: {}", req.id))?;

    post.slug = req.slug;
    post.title = req.title;
    post.content = req.content;
    post.status = req.status;

    match data.items.get(&data.counter) {
        None => {
            anyhow::bail!("Post not found: {}", req.id)
        Some(post) => Ok(post.clone()),

The data.items.get_mut() method returns a mutable reference to the stored Post instance. At the end of the method we return a clone of the post again.

Finally, the last operation from the CRUD list:

async fn delete_post(&self, id: i64) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut data = self.data.lock().await;
    match data.items.remove(&id) {
        None => {
            anyhow::bail!("Post not found: {}", id)
        Some(_) => Ok(()),

Here, we have nothing to return in case of a successful deletion.

Now, as an exercise, you can implement the InMemoryUserService to store the users the same way as we did for posts. You can find the solution in the code samples of the book.

Finally, we have to extend our ApplicationState with our new services:

use crate::services::post::InMemoryPostService;
use crate::services::user::InMemoryUserService;
use crate::settings::Settings;
use arc_swap::ArcSwap;
use std::sync::Arc;

pub struct ApplicationState {
    pub settings: ArcSwap<Settings>,
    pub user_service: Arc<InMemoryUserService>,
    pub post_service: Arc<InMemoryPostService>,

impl ApplicationState {
    pub fn new(settings: &Settings) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
        Ok(Self {
            settings: ArcSwap::new(Arc::new((*settings).clone())),
            user_service: Arc::new(InMemoryUserService::default()),
            post_service: Arc::new(InMemoryPostService::default()),

Now our application is ready to store posts in process memory, so we can start the implementation of the API endpoints for them.

Basic CRUD endpoints

CRUD is the abbreviation of Create, Read, Update, Delete. These are the basic operations on an entity in the REST API style.

The recommended URL structure for these operations:

  • GET /v1/posts - list all the posts or query a subset of them
  • GET /v1/posts/:id or GET /v1/posts/:slug - get a specific post
  • POST /v1/posts - create a new post
  • PUT /v1/posts/:id - update an existing post
  • DELETE /v1/posts/:id - delete a post

To implement this URL structure, we have to extend src/api/v1.rs:

pub fn configure(state: Arc<ApplicationState>) -> Router {
  • the posts::create handler will reply to the POST requests,
  • the posts::list handler will reply to the GET /v1/posts requests
  • the posts::get handler will reply to the GET /v1/posts/:id requests
  • the posts::update handler will reply to the PUT requests
  • finally, the posts::delete handler will reply to the DELETE requests

As you can see the URL pattern can include placeholders like :id and :slug - the handlers will receive these parameters via so-called extractors. The POST and PUT requests must contain a JSON request body, the appropriate handler methods will receive the parsed request via extractors too.

Now let's see the implementations! First we have to create a new file named posts.rs in src/api/handlers and reference the module in handlers/mod.rs:

pub mod posts;

Now in posts.rs start with the create handler:

pub async fn create(
    State(state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>,
    Json(payload): Json<CreatePostRequest>,
) -> Result<Json<SinglePostResponse>, AppError> {
    let post = state.post_service.create_post(payload).await?;

    let response = SinglePostResponse { data: post };


The first parameter of the handler function is the State extractor, this one receives the application state we passed in with the .with_state() method.

The second parameter is a Json extractor. The CreatePostRequest was already defined in services/post.rs. It implements the Deserialize trait, so the axum framework can deserialize the JSON request body into it using the Json extractor. We only have to pass the request to the post_service and handle its response. The Json extractor may fail when the request body is not a valid JSON document or its content does not match the structure of the CreatePostRequest. In this case axum will return a 400 Bad Request response. We also handle potential errors from the post_service, the ? operator turns it into an AppError and this will result in an 500 Internal Server Error response.

If all goes well, we return the newly created post as a JSON, but embed it in a structure called SinglePostResponse. We define this struct in api/response/posts.rs:

use crate::model::Post;
use serde::Serialize;

pub struct SinglePostResponse {
    pub data: Post,

It's simply a container for a single post. In the future we will probably extend this structure with some metadata. It has a sibling, called ListPostsResponse which can return multiple posts in an array:

pub struct ListPostsResponse {
    pub data: Vec<Post>,

The update handler is quite similar:

pub async fn update(
    State(state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>,
    Path(id): Path<i64>,
    Json(payload): Json<UpdatePostRequest>,
) -> Result<Json<SinglePostResponse>, AppError> {
    let post = state.post_service.update_post(id, payload).await?;

    let response = SinglePostResponse { data: post };


The Path extractor receives the :id element from the request path, the Json extractor now parses the body into an UpdatePostRequest and we return the updated post the same way as earlier. The Path extractor may fail if the :id element is not a number: that results in a 400 Bad Request response.

The delete handler has no request body and no response body either:

pub async fn delete(
    State(state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>,
    Path(id): Path<i64>,
) -> Result<Json<()>, AppError> {


The list handler receives no extra parameters and returns a ListPostsResponse - the one that embeds an array of posts:

pub async fn list(
    State(state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>,
) -> Result<Json<ListPostsResponse>, AppError> {
    let posts = state.post_service.get_all_posts().await?;

    let response = ListPostsResponse { data: posts };


Finally, the get handler receives the :slug path parameter as a string via the Path extractor:

pub async fn get(
    State(state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>,
    Path(slug): Path<String>,
) -> Result<Json<SinglePostResponse>, AppError> {
    let post = state.post_service.get_post_by_slug(&slug).await;

    match post {
        Ok(post) => {
            let response = SinglePostResponse { data: post };

        Err(e) => Err(AppError::from((StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, e))),

and returns a single post in the response or 404 Not Found when no matching post was found.


Up until now we managed to create a few basic CRUD endpoints for our blog service. Now we have to implement authentication and authorization.

We will try to log in a user on a new POST /v1/login API endpoint and return a JWT token certifying his identity on success. An API consumer will be able to use that JWT token on subsequent calls to authenticate itself.

A JWT token packs a set of information (claims) into a small, easily transmittable JSON object. This makes it perfect for scenarios like web authentication. JWTs are digitally signed, either with a secret key (HMAC) or a public/private key pair (RSA or ECDSA). This signing ensures that the information within the token hasn't been tampered with. When you log into a system, the server can generate a JWT and send it back to your browser. Your browser will then include this JWT in subsequent requests as Bearer token, proving your identity.

A JWT has three parts separated by dots:

Header: Contains metadata about the token itself:

  • alg: The signing algorithm (e.g., HMAC SHA256, RS256)
  • typ: Specifies that this is a JWT token

Payload: The core part where your data lives. This includes claims like:

  • iss: Issuer of the token
  • sub: Subject of the token (often the user ID)
  • exp: Expiration time of the token
  • iat: Issued at time

or any other custom data depending on your use case.

Signature: Verifies the integrity of the token. It's computed by combining the encoded header, encoded payload, a secret (or private key), and the specified algorithm.

The main benefit of JWT is that it is stateless. The server does not have to store any session data. This makes it easy to scale and use in a distributed environment.

To test the JWT authentication we will add authorization to the POST /v1/posts API endpoint, so only authorized users will be able to submit new posts.

You can find the sample codes on GitHub

First, we have to add a new dependency in cli_app/Cargo.toml:

jsonwebtoken = "8.3.0"

We will use jsonwebtoken for JWT token generation and validation.

We have to extend our project structure: add a request folder under src/api and the appropriate module declaration in src/api/mod.rs:

// ...
pub mod request;
// ...

Create a new struct for the login request in src/api/request/login.rs:

use serde::Deserialize;

pub struct LoginRequest {
    pub username: String,
    pub password: String,

The Deseralize macro ensures that we can deserialize this request from JSON.

Also add a mod.rs file under src/api/request, referencing the login module:

pub mod login;

Create a new struct for the login response in src/api/response/login.rs:

use serde::Serialize;

pub struct LoginResponse {
    pub status: String,
    pub token: String,

The Serialize macro ensures that we can serialize this response into JSON.

And the appropriate module declaration in src/api/response/mod.rs:

pub mod login;

We will also need a struct to store the JWT token claims, I placed this into response/mod.rs too:

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct TokenClaims {
    pub sub: String,
    pub iat: usize,
    pub exp: usize,

The sub field is the token subject (generally username or user id), the iat field will store the unix timestamp of the token generation and the exp field will store the unix timestamp of the token expiration time.

To create a login endpoint, we have to extend our api declaration in src/api/v1.rs:

// ...

And implement the login functionality in src/api/handlers/login.rs:

use crate::api::request::login::LoginRequest;
use crate::api::response::login::LoginResponse;
use crate::api::response::TokenClaims;
use crate::state::ApplicationState;
use axum::extract::State;
use axum::http::StatusCode;
use axum::Json;
use jsonwebtoken::{encode, EncodingKey, Header};
use std::sync::Arc;

pub async fn login(
    State(_state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>,
    Json(payload): Json<LoginRequest>,
) -> Result<Json<LoginResponse>, StatusCode> {



Do not forget to add the pub mod login; line to src/api/handlers/mod.rs!

Let's check the use statements: the LoginRequest and LoginResponse structs are for the request and response data respectively. I also explained TokenClaims earlier. We already used State, ApplicationState, StatusCode and the Json extractor so you may know them. I will tackle jsonwebtoken shortly.

I will implement a dummy login function for now, always returning success without password checking.

We will need some data to populate the TokenClaims structure:

pub async fn login(
    State(_state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>,
    Json(payload): Json<LoginRequest>,
) -> Result<Json<LoginResponse>, StatusCode> {

    let now = chrono::Utc::now();
    let iat = now.timestamp() as usize;
    let exp = (now + chrono::Duration::minutes(60)).timestamp() as usize;
    let claims = TokenClaims {
        sub: payload.username,

    // ...

We use chrono to get the current timestamp and convert it into usize for the iat field. The exp field is similar, current timestamp plus 60 minutes (we will use a configurable timeout parameter later). The token subject will store the username for now.

The next step is to encode the token:

let secret = "secret";

let token = encode(

let response = LoginResponse {
    status: "success".to_string(),


The secret is not so secret in this case, we will read it from the configuration later. Finally, we return the token in the response.

Now extend our configuration to add a token timeout and a token secret (src/settings.rs):

pub struct Settings {
    pub config: ConfigInfo,
    pub database: Database,
    pub logging: Logging,
    pub token_secret: Option<String>,
    pub token_timeout_seconds: Option<i64>,

so we can use them in the login handler:

let secret = state
let timeout = state

To add authentication to the endpoints, we have to implement a middleware:

pub async fn auth(
    State(state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>,
    mut req: Request<Body>,
    next: Next,
) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, AppError> {
  // TBD

The middleware will receive the application state, so it can read application configuration, etc. It also receives the HTTP request, so it can extract the Authorization header from it. The next parameter is the next middleware in the axum middleware chain.

The middleware will either return an error response or call the next middleware in the chain.

To implement this middleware, create a new directory in src/api called middleware and a file named auth.rs in it. Add the appropriate module declaration to src/api/middleware/mod.rs:

pub mod auth;

Also reference the middleware module from src/api/mod.rs:

pub mod middleware;

First, we have to extract the token from the Authorization header:

let token = req
    .and_then(|auth_header| auth_header.to_str().ok())
    .and_then(|auth_value| {
            .strip_prefix("Bearer ")
            .map(|stripped| stripped.to_owned())

We try to get the header value, convert it to a string, then strip the Bearer prefix from it. If all goes well, we will have the token value.

Return an error if the token is missing:

let token = token.ok_or_else(|| {
        anyhow::anyhow!("Missing bearer token")

Now load the secret from settings and validate the token:

let secret = state

let claims = decode::<TokenClaims>(
    .map_err(|_| {
            anyhow::anyhow!("Invalid bearer token")

The default Validation configuration ensures that the encryption algorithm is HS256 and the token is not expired. We return an error if the validation failed. Finally, we add the claims to the request as an extension and call the next middleware in the chain:


This extension will be the first parameter of the handler function: Extension(_claims): Extension<TokenClaims>,. We simply ignore the claims in this case, but the handler could implement more complex authorization rules based on the sub value of the token (that contains the username).

The token can be more complex and include additional properties of the user, like roles, etc. This can be useful for more complex authorization rules.

Now we have to add the middleware to the router configuration in src/api/v1.rs. On the POST /posts endpoint for example:

            .route_layer(middleware::from_fn_with_state(state.clone(), auth)),

and modify the handler function to receive the token claims:

pub async fn create(
    Extension(_claims): Extension<TokenClaims>,
    State(state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>,
    Json(payload): Json<CreatePostRequest>,
) -> Result<Json<SinglePostResponse>, AppError> {
    let post = state.post_service.create_post(payload).await?;

    let response = SinglePostResponse { data: post };


To implement a more realistic login method, let's check the existence of the user in the user_service:

pub async fn login(
    State(state): State<Arc<ApplicationState>>,
    Json(payload): Json<LoginRequest>,
) -> Result<Json<LoginResponse>, AppError> {
    let user = match state.user_service.get_user_by_name(&payload.username).await {
        Ok(user) => user,
        Err(e) => {
            return Err(AppError::from((
                anyhow::anyhow!("Invalid username or password"),

This can be extended to verify the password of the user too. In a naive implementation by simply comparing the password to a stored value. In a more realistic implementation, using password hashes, based on the argon2 crate for example. One way to encrypt a password:

use argon2::Argon2;
use password_hash::rand_core::OsRng;
use password_hash::{PasswordHasher, SaltString};

fn encrypt_password(password: &str) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
    let salt = SaltString::generate(&mut OsRng);
    let argon2 = Argon2::default();

    if let Ok(hash) = argon2.hash_password(password.as_bytes(), &salt) {
    } else {
        Err(anyhow!("Failed to hash password"))

and to verify it:

use argon2::Argon2;
use password_hash::{PasswordHash, PasswordVerifier};

fn validate_password(password: &str, hash: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let argon2 = Argon2::default();
    let parsed_hash = PasswordHash::new(hash).map_err(|e| anyhow!(e.to_string()))?;

        .verify_password(password.as_bytes(), &parsed_hash)
        .map_err(|_e| anyhow!("Failed to verify password"))

One problem: the in-memory user services starts up with an empty user list, so nobody can login now. Let's create a default admin user during application startup in the src/commands/serve.rs file:

state.user_service.create_user(CreateUserRequest {
    username: "admin".to_string(),
    password: encrypt_password("admin")?,
    status: UserStatus::Active,

Never do this in a real application! This is a security risk, because we hard-wired a well-known password in the code.

The middleware pattern

Axum's middleware or layer concept builds on tower and tower-http. Think of middleware as layers that wrap around your route handlers (the functions that ultimately respond to web requests). Each layer has the power to:

  • inspect and modify incoming requests before they reach your route handler
  • inspect and modify outgoing responses after your route handler does its work

Axum primarily works with two approaches to create middleware: middleware from functions and tower::Layer implementations.

A middleware function means you define an async function that takes a Request and a Next (representing the next layer in the chain). The function does its modifications and then calls next.run(request).await to pass the potentially modified request to the next middleware layer or your route handler. The auth middleware we created in the previous section is an example of this approach.

If you need more complex middleware, you create a struct implementing the tower::Layer trait. This gives you more control over how middleware is applied across your entire application.

Middleware is useful for streamlining common web development concerns:

  • authentication, authorization: protect routes by checking if a user is logged in and has the necessary permissions.
  • logging, tracing: record crucial information about requests and responses for debugging or analysis
  • CORS handling: enable cross-origin resource sharing for web apps using different domains
  • compression: reduce response size for faster page loads
  • CSRF protection: prevent cross-site request forgery attacks
  • rate Limiting: protect against overwhelming request floods
  • error handling: provide centralized error management and consistent responses to users

These layers can be applied to specific routes, groups of routes, or applied globally to all routes in your application.

The tower-http crate provides a set of ready-to-use middlewares that can be used in axum applications.


This middleware adds high-level logging for requests and responses, including method, path, status code, and more. Perfect for debugging and monitoring.

Simple example:

let mut service = ServiceBuilder::new()

A more detailed one:

let service = ServiceBuilder::new()

Here we can set different tracing levels for requests and responses, se the measurement unit for latency, decide to include the headers in the span data, etc.

In the on_request, on_response and similar methods you can even provide your own custom implementations, completely replacing the default ones.


This one enables compression mechanisms like gzip to reduce response sizes for improved network performance.


let mut service = ServiceBuilder::new()
    // Compress responses based on the `Accept-Encoding` header.


This middleware sets a time limit for requests to complete, helping prevent hanging requests that consume resources endlessly.


let svc = ServiceBuilder::new()
    // Timeout requests after 30 seconds


This one provides mechanisms to implement Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policies, allowing web apps on different domains to interact.


let cors = CorsLayer::new()
    // allow `GET` and `POST` when accessing the resource
    .allow_methods([Method::GET, Method::POST])
    // allow requests from any origin


This middleware limits the size of incoming requests, preventing attacks that try to overwhelm the server with huge requests.


let mut svc = ServiceBuilder::new()
    // Limit incoming requests to 4096 bytes.

Rate limiting

If you want to implement some kind of request rate limiting, you can use the tower-governor crate. It provides a middleware that can limit the number of requests per time period. You can set limits based on peer IP address, IP address headers, globally, or via custom keys. You can also configure burst, like this:

let governor_conf = Box::new(

CSRF protection

Two common patterns for CSRF protection are the double submit cookie pattern and the synchronizer token pattern.

A random CSRF token is generated and stored in a server-side session. The same token is set in a cookie with the HttpOnly and SameSite flags for security. Forms include the token as a hidden field. On submission, the server compares the token in the cookie to the one in the form data. This method is primarily used for traditional web applications that rely on server-side sessions.

Synchronizer Token Pattern

CSRF tokens are still generated server-side but may be stored differently (e.g., in-memory, distributed cache). Tokens are exposed in a protected API endpoint that your frontend calls to fetch them. Frontends include tokens in request headers (e.g., X-CSRF-Token).

This method is more suitable for single-page applications and APIs.

There is an implementation of this pattern for axum, but only up to version 0.6 in the axum-csrf crate. Alternatively, you can implement your own middleware based on it.

Graceful shutdown

When you want to stop your application, you should do it gracefully. This means that you should stop accepting new requests, wait for the current requests to finish, and then shut down the server.

First, you have to implement a signal handler:

async fn shutdown_signal() {
    let ctrl_c = async {
            .expect("failed to install Ctrl+C handler");

    let terminate = async {
            .expect("failed to install signal handler")

    let terminate = std::future::pending::<()>();

    tokio::select! {
        _ = ctrl_c => {},
        _ = terminate => {},

This function will wait for a Ctrl+C signal or a SIGTERM signal. You can use this function to stop the server gracefully. The actual implementation in axum 0.7 looks like this, where signal is the signal handler function you created earlier:

let (signal_tx, signal_rx) = watch::channel(());
let signal_tx = Arc::new(signal_tx);
tokio::spawn(async move {
    trace!("received graceful shutdown signal. Telling tasks to shutdown");

So when the future returned by shutdown_signal function completes, the spawned task will drop the signal_rx sender. The main loop of axum will notice this and stop accepting new requests:

let (tcp_stream, remote_addr) = tokio::select! {
    conn = tcp_accept(&tcp_listener) => {
        match conn {
            Some(conn) => conn,
            None => continue,
    _ = signal_tx.closed() => {
        trace!("signal received, not accepting new connections");

Now in the main function, you can enable the graceful shutdown this way:

async fn main() {

    // Create a regular axum app.
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/slow", get(|| sleep(Duration::from_secs(5))))
        .route("/forever", get(std::future::pending::<()>))
            // Graceful shutdown will wait for outstanding requests 
            // to complete. Add a timeout so requests don't hang forever.

    // Create a `TcpListener` using tokio.
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();

    // Run the server with graceful shutdown
    axum::serve(listener, app)

Note, that we added a TimeoutLayer to the router configuration. This will ensure that requests don't hang forever, so the shutdown can complete in a reasonable amount of time after the server stopped accepting new requests.